EECS2030 Lab 1

Welcome! This is a self-guided lab that introduces you to the Prism computer lab environment. This lab is worth 1% of your final grade.

The purpose of this lab is to introduce you to the computing environment used in this course. It is expected that you will complete this lab in the Prism computing lab located in the Lassonde Building (Room 1006).

Obtain a Prism Lab account

Before you begin this lab, you must obtain an EECS Prism Lab account if you do not already have one. Note that it takes up to 30 minutes after completing the activation process for your account to become active.

You can obtain an account over the internet using the following link.

Alternatively, you can obtain an account from a Prism lab computer by logging into a Prism lab computer using the user name activ8 and entering a blank password (i.e., press enter when prompted for a password).

What you need to submit to complete this lab

You need to submit a total of 2 files to complete this lab. Follow the instructions in this lab carefully for instructions on how to submit the required files.